24 HOUR HELPLINE: (831) 375-4357 • (831) 424-4357
Our website is undergoing maintenance,
but we are still here to support you.
Our Mission:
The Monterey County Rape Crisis Center (MCRCC) is a nonprofit agency whose mission is to provide ongoing advocacy, support, and healing for all victims and survivors of sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse; to prevent sexual violence in our community through education.
Get in Touch:
For more information or support,
please contact us via:
Monterey Office
Monterey County Rape Crisis Center
P.O. Box 2630, Monterey CA 93942
Office: (831) 373-3955
Fax: (831) 373-3389
Salinas Office
Monterey County Rape Crisis Center
P.O. Box 2401, Salinas CA 93902
Office: (831) 771-0411
Fax: (831) 771-0105
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